I welcome all new clients of all ages (infants to elderly) who want to improve their health and well-being, brighten their emotions, and reinstate hope back into their daily lives.
As a nervous system specialist trained in Somatic Experiencing, Developmental Trauma and the Feldenkrais Method I’ll help you overcome debilitating conditions and illnesses including nervous system dysregulation, pain, depression, PTSD, chronic fatigue, and migraines. Because the nervous system controls all of your automatic functions it has the ability to make or break you. When it’s off-kilter you become constantly fearful and anxious, experience a persisting sense of discomfort, make unhealthy self-care decisions, avoid social situations, find ways to numb your sensations and emotions, and develop nagging health problems. When it’s off-kilter for a long time you can develop a more serious condition like heart disease.
But – when it’s running smoothly it can transform your entire life.